
Blood Donation Campaign 2021


Xtramix commits to protect life and enhance the health and well-being of its employees and the community. This commitment motivates Xtramix to maintain blood donation in its CSR programs supporting thousands of lives.


Donate Blood Give Life Campaign was first launched in 24/01/2016 and yearly conducted, since then, through the Abu Dhabi Blood Bank to support campaign on “Donate Blood, Give Life”.


For this year’s campaign conducted on 27/01/2021, a total of 25 employees have donated their precious blood.


Donate Blood Give Life Info

Why Donate?
Blood donation is a “noble act” that contributes to saving thousands of lives without harming donors Abu Dhabi Blood Bank supplies more than 25000
units of blood (a total of over 40000 blood products) yearly to save the lives of patients, one of them may be your family member!


What are the Benefits?
Beneficial for the human heart, Reduces cancer risk, Boost production of red cells, Lower cholesterol level, Helps in weight loss, Replenishes blood, Aids in fighting hemochromilosis, Facilities production of red blood cells, Makes the donor psychologically rejuvenated, donors automatically warned of serious illness.




xtramix staff donating blood

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